Team Dignitas meldet sich im Bereich CS:GO wieder zurück.
Mit Spielerlegende Maikelele konnte man einen sehr bekannten Spieler verpflichten, der sich ebenbürtige Mitspieler suchte.
Statement von Team Captain fox:
„Team Dignitas is a powerhouse brand, now strengthened by the backing of the Philadelphia 76ers; we are extremely proud to represent their colors. We are eager to begin practicing with this new lineup, we’ve all known each other a long time and believe we will have good synergy. Through hard work and preparation we will do our best to live up to the expectations of our fans and become a top, international team. We have the most supportive fans in professional gaming and we know they will be excited about this new line-up.”
Mikail ‚Maikelele‘ Bill
Ricardo ‚fox‘ Pacheco
Ruben ‚RUBINO‘ Villarroel
Joakim ‚jkaem‘ Myrbostad
Faruk ‚pita‘ Pita