Lange ist er schon in der Szene aktiv und gehört mit zu den ältesten Spielern in CS:GO, bisher. Doch nun beendet der französische Spieler Edouard „SmithZz“ Dubourdeaux seine Karriere im professionellen Gaming. Dabei gab es vor einiger Zeit schon einige Änderungen.
Here’s to new beginnings.
My career as a professional CS player officially came to an end.
More than 15 years of grinding the game out, managing to make it my job, creating memories I will never forget, including winning a Major.
This game built me as a human being. It introduced me to people that are now so important in my life, it made me travel around the world, discover so many places. And for all of that I will be thankful for the rest of my life.
I want to thank my last home, G2 Esports, and I wish them nothing but the best, the staff, the players, everyone deserves it. I could not have dreamt of a better organization to end my career at.
They gave me the opportunity to transition towards a streamer career over the course of last year, and I thank them for that as well.
It is like a fresh start, grinding as a streamer with many objectives in mind, including one that is particularly important to me, making professional CS more accessible to the community. Reinforcing the link between those two worlds, something that is not easy to do when you are active pro player. This new challenge reminds me of my younger years in CS, and I’m eager to take it up.
Get ready for a bunch of new stuff, follow my channel and let yourself be carried along 😉 If any brand is interested to find out more about my project and possibly support it, you can contact me at
Cu les noobs 💜