Fast ein 3/4 Jahr ist es her, seitdem Bartosz „hyper“ Wolny nicht mehr aktiv gespielt hat. Nun gab jedoch Team Kinguin bekannt, dass sie sich die Dienste des 27-jährigen Polen gesichert haben.
Ob Kinguin sich nun wieder steigern kann und sich vor allem aus dem unteren Tabellenabschnitt der ESL Pro League hochkämpfen wird, bleibt ungewiss. Doch Coach Loord schaut positiv in die Zukunft:
„Over the last few months we have been struggling, mostly because of the lack of a real ingame leader. We tried different players in that role, but it simply was not working out. Eventually, we decided we needed someone new to fill that role and that the best person to do it would be Hyper. I believe he is the missing piece. He used to call in his previous teams, also when he was a coach – so the choice was natural. The team and I would like to thank Furlan wholeheartedly for his hard work and time he spent with us. We are all friends, and the decision to part ways with Damian was awfully difficult. However, we came to a conclusion that we need to make this change if we want to go forward. The whole team is motivated like never before, and we are expecting much better results.“
Neues Lineup Kinguin:
Grzegorz „SZPERO“ Dziamałek
Mikołaj „mouz“ Karolewski
Michał „MICHU“ Müller
Karol „rallen“ Rodowicz
Bartosz „Hyper“ Wolny