Fraternitas und ihr CS:GO Line-Up gehen getrennte Wege

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Nach nur wenigen Monaten verlässt das CS:GO Team von Fraternitas das Brand. Grund hierfür seien leere Versprechungen und offenstehende Zahlungen. Offen seien, laut Aussage von styko, noch weiter über 4.000 Euro.

Statement Martin ’styko Styk:

We decided to leave Fraternitas with immediate effect. Problem with management came before in nEophyte and we thought merging with Fraternitas would solve some of them but it did not happen. It got worse and we got promised a lot of things, nearly none of which were fullfiled. Our manager repeatedly and blatantly lied to us about money transfers he promised, making it in total of over 100,000 CZK over last 5 months.

Unfortunately, we are not the only people he is „scamming“, as our ex-coach and popular streamer Ivan „Dev1“ Lazarov, who was forced out of our lineup without our knowledge, is having same troubles as we are. But I promised to stay out of this at least for now. On the other hand it is needless to say that Fraternitas as organisation was always on point in communication. It is just case of one co-owner who ruined our relationships.

We are now seeking another source of support in the form of an organisation. We are open to basically anything worth our level of play. If you are interested you can contact our team via e-mail

Line-Up des Teams:

sk Martin ’styko‘ Styk
cz Tomáš ‚oskar‘ Štastný
sk Richard ‚queztone‘ Strnátko
sk Tomáš ‚Barb1‘ Hradek
sk Patrik ‚zeRo‘ Žúdel

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